Personal card

Surname: RZEPKA
Name #1: Stanisław
Name #2:
Name #3:
Father's Name: Michał
Mother's Name: Rozalia
Mother's maiden name: Pawełczyk
Date of birth: 13 listopad 1913
Place of birth: Jarocin
Sibblings: Antonina (ur. 1902), Władysław (1905-1964), Janina (ur. 1908), Kazimierz (1911-1980)
Marital status:
Spouse: Stanisława Schönfeld (poślubiona 1937, Jarocin)
Last address: Jarocin
Nationality: polska
Profession: stolarz
Religion: rzymskokatolickie
Academic title:

Military status: brak danych,
Record number:
Disctrict Military Draft Office:
Regional Military Draft Office:
Operational Group:
Type of arms or service:

Assignment as for 1st September:
Military unit:
Function as for 1st September:
Assignment after 1st September:
Function after 1st September:
Military service record:
September 1939 – combat trail:
Date of death: 23 wrzesień 1939
Place of death: Puszcza Kampinoska
Reason of the death: zaginiony
Circumstances of the death:
Initial resting place #1:
Date of exhumation:
Initial resting place #2:
Date of exhumation:
Initial resting place #3:
Date of exhumation:
Present resting place:
Location of the grave:
Form of commemoration:
Things found at the buried person:
Place where the deposit is kept:
Burial history:
Search for the grave: Uznany za zmarłego na mocy Postanowienia Sądu Grodzkiego w Jarocinie z 6 grudnia 1946 r., sygn. akt III Zg. 48/47.
Sources: Jajor J., Księga pamięci ofiar ziemi jarocińskiej w II wojnie światowej, Kalisz 2009, s. 125.

Stanisław Rzepka, [w:] Généalogie de Christian Michel ORPEL, &nz=orpel&ocz=0&p=stanislaw&n=rzepka&oc=1 [dostęp: 15 VIII 2017].

Christian Michel Orpel, badania genealogiczne.

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Photographs, documents etc.
